Friday, April 2, 2010

Happy Easter

Sorry I haven't blogged in awhile. Things are going great, just really busy. Mom is doing wonderful. Let's just pray that she continues to do wonderful. All of us are doing good. We've all been fighting the affects of the spring weather....Allergies! Jason & both the boys have had it. Running & stuffy at the same time. I'm still dealing with the stuffy from time to time. Some days are good others, I can't even breath. I'm one of those people that like to breath through their nose not their mouth.
I love the spring & the longer days of daylight! That means my boys can go outside & me too!:0) The best about being outside is that it wears the boys down! Which means they take wonderful naps & sleep longer at night...which means I get to sleep in too!:0) When spring arrives, there is so much that we can do & places we can go that we couldn't do in the winter. A couple of weeks ago we went for a walk along a creek just below our house. That was cool! The creek was up & really running. I love to hear the sound of rushing waters. When it rains alot, I mean alot, the creek rises & really gets flowing, I can hear it rushing from my front porch! Now that is cool!

Have a Blessed Easter Everyone!

Love Ya'll